Alamet is a lovely palomino purebred AT mare, Arin x Asalari. She is the granddaughter of both my foundation stallion and foundation broodmare. Exquisitely lovely, smart as a whip, sooner or later she will be my main Expo Horse – the stunning metallic palomino that makes everyone stop and stare. Right now, she is growing up, having a foal or two and learning to be a saddle horse.

Alamet had one foal at age 4 – I often will breed a 3 year old mare vs starting them under saddle. That foal, Saphir Khan, by Sephard Shael, is a gorgeous young man. I had several people that wanted to buy him as a gelding, but he needs a chance to at least get to 3 and see what he’s like. Metallic buckskin, calm, cool and fabulous. I ended up selling him to a breeder friend.

We bred her to Metman for a 2020 foal, after which she would transition to riding horse, but even though we had a 45 day heartbeat check (it was there!), she lost is somewhere between 45 days and 6 months. That is breeding. I decided to try one more time before I started putting miles on her. She is now in foal to Gerald, and everything looks good. I will be starting her under saddle during this pregnancy, planning for it to be her last one for awhile.
Alamet is my ‘miracle’ mare. She was born at 312 days (horses usually are born around 340 days, so she was a month early. Her dam was on medication for the 3 months prior to foaling, we never did figure out what was going on to cause this (breeding is a gamble). Often a horse born that early won’t survive or will need intensive care. Alamet was up, nursing and had great IGG scores, even though she weighed in at 60 lbs. She is now a beautiful 5 year old, around 15.2 or 15.2, and she makes me smile everyday.

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