Well, it’s pretty much done, except for final budgets, thank you’s and articles. The Rare Steeds Show was at least 2 years in the making and I have to thank everyone that stuck out that entire journey, and also those that helped every now and again.

I arrived on a red-eye flight Tuesday, June 25th. I was supposed to meet fellow Teke enthusiast Sarah Schumann, who was flying in from Canada. Unfortunately, she ended up missing a flight, so instead of waiting around the very small Charlottesville, VA airport, I rented a car and headed to the venue.
I stopped on the way at the barn Sabine Desper is at, to pick up donated items and stuff for our ATAA booth. I did get to see some lovely Knapstupper foals, along with her Tekes and meet another Teke enthusiast, Ethan Wandless. I headed down to the Virginia Horse Park then, to check it out; the last time I was there was in 2016, during the last SANA Rare Steeds Show.

I found the Akhal-Teke stall row and met Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, her partner Alex Steckle and the 4 Tekes and Teke crosses they had hauled down from Canada. Morrigan had done an endurance ride on her way to the show on her mare Halla. Both Morrigan and Alex are BUSY! Running a farm and business and then going on the road with horses to various endurance rides and then making it to Virginia for our show, I have to hand it to them, they are definitely much younger than I am!

Then, I headed to the Vrbo that the ATAA rented for volunteers and exhibitors. This is a wonderful idea, as many of us would have a hard time affording plane fare, food AND housing. We’ve done this several times over the past few years and we always have a great time and lots and lots of socializing. This Vrbo was near a river and had a nice pavilion outside, where the host had a party one night with live music, Which we were invited to. My favorite thing was the fireflies! Last time I’ve seen fireflies was years ago in Vermont. Washington state has fireflies, but they don’t light up (are they actually REALLY ‘fireflies’ then?). It really took me back to growing up in Michigan, fireflies, mosquitos, and heat.

That evening, Sarah showed up, Jacque Munn showed up, and our wonderful judge Katharina Jakob, from Germany showed up. We settled in, getting to know each other (or catch up for Jacque and me). Jacque had driven down from North Carolina to volunteer and she brought several of her Turkmen costumes, which she lent out for costume classes and filming.

Oh yes, that was another thing going on during this week; Jon Mays of HorseFlicks came and filmed Thursday and Friday for the ATAA’s next video, working title of ‘Top 5 Things I Love About Akhal-Tekes’.

Wednesday rolled around and our awesome SANA/EST director, Victoria Tollman blew in. Victoria has done 3 of these SANA events on the East Coast since 2008 and was a resource for the ATAA’s Western States Rare Breed Show, in California during 2019. I was helping organize and competing in that show. Just a bit too far for me to bring horses to Virginia though.
Victoria had a million things going on, she had been working on this show longer than my 2 years, but she seemed able to juggle it all quite well.
We (the Teke crowd) set up our ATAA booth and show office Wednesday and welcomed exhibitors as they arrived with their horses. We got to meet several new (to me, anyway) people and Tekes, including Gabby Goldenbogen and the Teke stallion she was training, named Gudrat. Amanda Gonczi, her daughter Autumn and friend Anna Vidal showed up with their 2 horses – they had planned on bringing 3, but the 3rd showed up lame right before. Anna brought her lovely 2 year old filly HDF Lunar Dream, bred by Horse Dreams Farm in Virginia. Amanda and Autumn showed their yearling Teke QH cross filly HDF Crystalline Dream.
Sabine showed up later that day with Ethan and 4 Tekes and Teke crosses, 2 of which were young, so they were only staying for the Thursday Akhal-Teke day. Sabine also brought a bunch of stuff for the ATAA booth.
Katrina and Giles Ardiel came on Wednesday also, bringing 4 Tekes, 2 of them stallions down from Ontario, Canada.
Local breeders Liz Morgan and Melissa Altman bought 6 horses for the Thursday show. It was great to catch up with them, the last time I’d seen them was in 2016, at the last SANA Rare Steeds show.
We had another local, Joyce Howard, bring her Teke cross gelding Drakarys for the Thursday show.
We did have one other person who had hoped to come early on Thursday to show, but traffic got in their way, so we didn’t meet Aurora DeLuca and her horse SH Kostyor until late on Thursday.

Everyone got settled in, we organized ribbons as well as possible and everyone helped out in any way they could. It was great seeing all the other rare breeds and talking to their people – that is one of the best things about the Rare Breed Show format; it allows breeds that might not have enough horses for an entire show themselves to come and show. There were Cleveland Bays, a Corolla Banker horse, Canadiennes, Caspians and Dales, Dartmoor, Fell, and Gotland ponies. There were also a Shire and an American Cream Draft that came for (I think) Saturday only. I did not take nearly enough photos of the non-Teke entries. There were very lovely and well turned out horses and ponies there. Guess I was a little bit distracted by all the Teke stuff.

Thursday: Thursday morning, we got up early and Sarah cooked us breakfast (it’s so nice being spoiled like that!) and then we were at the venue bright and early. Katharina was judging all day, and I don’t think anyone was at all bored that day. Several rings were going at the same time with different breed classes and Jon Mays of HorseFlicks was at our ring, filming the Teke and Teke crosses.
Here is a list of the AT day classes, sponsors and winners:
Akhal-Teke Costume Class
Class AT100**: Akhal-Teke Costume -Sponsored by Arcana Akhal-Tekes, CO
Entered: 1st Place: Adamek, owned by ATF and shown by Sabine Desper, 2nd Place: Indyka, owned by Sabine Desper and shown by Ethan Wandless, 3rd Place: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 4th Place: Gudrat, owned by James Boudreau and shown by Gabby Goldenbogen.
Akhal-Teke In-Hand Classes
Class AT101: Get of Sire – Sponsored by Horse Dreams Farm, VA
1st place: Gerald Group, consisting of: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, Arlie, owned by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons and shown by ?, Galaxy Glow, owned by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons and shown by Alex Steckle, 2nd place: Caladesi Group, consisting of: HDF Lunar Dream, owned and shown by Anna Vidal, HDF Crystalline Dream, owned by Horse Dreams Farms and shown by Autumn Cook.
Class AT102: Produce of Dam – Sponsored by Gail Darlene Frame and Delphi, MN
1st place: Hrizantema Group, consisting of Hendrick, owned by AVF and shown by Giles Ardiel and Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons
*1st and 2nd in each class below qualifies for Junior Championship
Class AT103: AT Foals of 2024 (with or w/o dams)* Sponsored by Joel Mertes, IL
No Entries
Class AT104: AT Yearlings, born 2023* – Sponsored by Robin’s Roost Ranchita, in memory of Robin Novick, MT
No Entries
Class AT105: AT 2-year-old fillies born 2022* – Sponsored by Rhapsody Stables, VA
1st Place: HDF Lunar Dream, owned and shown by Anna Vidal, VA
Class AT106: AT 2-year-old colts and geldings, born 2022* – Sponsored by Billy Pope Horseshoeing, NC
No Entries
Class AT107: AT Junior In-hand Champion, 2 years and under – 1st and 2nd qualify for AT In-Hand Championship, Sponsored in memory of Phil and Margot Case and Senetir
Champion: HDF Lunar Dream, owned and shown by Anna Vidal
Class AT108: AT Cross Colts, fillies, and geldings, under 3 years, born 2021 and after -Sponsored by JF Lakeside ATs
1st place: Galaxy Glow, owned by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons and shown by Alex Steckle, 2nd place: HDF Crystalline Dream, owned by Horse Dreams Farm and shown by Autumn Cook.
Class AT109: AT Cross Mares and Geldings, 3 years and up, born 2021and before. – Sponsored by JF Lakeside ATs
1st place: Ofir, owned and shown by Liz Morgan, 2nd place: Drakarys owned and shown by Joyce Howard, 3rd place: Autumn Dream, owned and shown by Sabine Desper, 4th place: Kyra Nehrys, owned and shown by Liz Morgan, 5th place: Galifrey, owned and shown by Sabine Desper, 6th place: Kyriel, owned and shown by Liz Morgan
*1st and 2nd in classes below qualify for Akhal-Teke In-Hand Championship
Class AT110: AT Top Ten Best North American Bred, born 2021 and before*- Sponsored by Silver Hill Akhal-Tekes, MT
1st place: Anatevka, owned and shown by Liz Morgan, 2nd place: Adamek, owned by ATF and shown by Sabine Desper, 3rd place (Tie): Hendrick, owned by AVF and shown by Giles Ardiel, 3rd place: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 5th place: Arlie, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 6th place: Indyka, owned by Sabine Desper and shown by Ethan Wandless, 7th place: Gudrat, owned by James Boudreau and shown by Gabby Goldenbogen, 9th place (tie) Gerald, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel, and Inarra Sera, owned and shown by Melissa Altman.
Class AT111: AT Geldings and Stallions 3 years and up* – Sponsored by Dark Prince Equestrian
Entrants: 1st place: Sagit MD, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel, 2nd place: Adamek, owned by ATF, shown by Sabine Desper, 3rd place: Hendrick, owned by AVF, shown by Giles Ardiel, 4th place: Tristan, owned and shown by Melissa Altman, 5th place: Gudrat, owned by James Boudreau, shown by Gabby Goldenbogen, 6th place: Arlie, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 7th place: Gerald, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel, 8th place: Indyka, owned by Sabine Desper and shown by Ethan Wandless.
Class AT112: AT Mares, 3 years and up* – Sponsored by Akhal-Valley Farms
Entrants: 1st place: Anatevka, owned and shown by Liz Morgan, 2nd place: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 3rd place: Brita, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 4th place: Inarra Sera, owned and shown by Melissa Altman
Class AT113: AT In-Hand Championship, not sponsored
Champion: Anateva, owned and shown by Liz Morgan, Reserve Champion: Sagit MID, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel, also competing: Adamek, owned by ATF and shown by Sabine Desper, Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons and HDF Lunar Dream, owned and shown by Anna Vidal
Akhal-Teke Ridden Classes:
Class AT114: AT cross Ridden mares and geldings, 4 years and up – Sponsored by Gail Darlene Frame and Delphi, MN
1st place: Autumn Dream, owned and ridden by Sabine Desper
*1st and 2nd in classes below qualify for Akhal-Teke Ridden Championship
Class AT115: AT Ridden Stallions and Geldings, 4 years and up* – Sponsored by Golden Ridge ATs, VA
Entrants: 1st Place: Adamek, owned by ATF, ridden by Sabine Desper, 2nd place: Gerald, owned by AVF, ridden by Katrina Ardiel, 3rd place: Hendrick, owned by AVF, ridden by Katrina Ardiel, 4th place: Gudrat, owned by James Boudreau, ridden by Gabby Goldenbogen.
Class AT116: AT Ridden Mares, 4 years and up* – Sponsored by Eve Deering, MT, GO RIDE YOUR MARES!
Entrants: 1st place: Halla, owned and ridden by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons
Class AT117: AT Ridden Championship-Sponsored by Oasis Akhal-Tekes in honor of our 2004 mare, JBK Gulkusi, winner of the inaugural SANA/ATAA Ridden Akhal-Teke Championship in 2008.
Champion: Gerald, owned by AVF and shown by Sabine Desper, Reserve Champion: Adamek, owned by ATF and shown by Sabine Desper. Also competing: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons
I don’t have photos of all of these, if I do come across some (and I know there were good photographers at the event) I will post them with credits.
Friday: Friday was the EST Symposium, which I missed because we were filming for HorseFlicks. A few photos from that:

I look forward to our film, I’m pretty sure Jon is ‘making hay while the sun shines’ right now, and will get to editing and putting things together as fall progresses.
Friday evening we were invited to the Akhal-Teke Foundation farm, which was about 10 minutes from the Horse Center. We walked around and got to meet their 20 odd Tekes, from 2024 foal to older horses. They have the use of an absolutely gorgeous farm, with 300 (or 500? the mind boggles) acres. We were told that there is 35 miles of riding trails ON the farm. A photo and yes, I have land envy!

After our tour, we headed back to the venue where we had an ATAA sponsored Friday night dinner. Good food, lots of chatting and some fun party games. It was hard to leave.

Saturday: Saturday was jump day. We set up the course the day before. The Horse Center rented us jumps and had some of their workers bring them out to the ring. We got to set them up though.

I have to say, I found out that I haven’t done any shows before. I’ve done quite a few events, such as conferences, gradings, barn tours, but never an actual show. Thank goodness everyone was very patient and understanding. If I do something like this again, I WILL do better. As you probably are realizing, my organization for times, who was in what class and such, could have been better. I did NOT ask enough questions. Everyone that participated, which included several non-Teke competitors, was thanked and went home with either a logo hat or logo tote in addition to their ribbons.
BTW, the ATAA ended up renting the Northern Arenas for Saturday Jumping and Sunday Dressage, as there was no other ring available to us that would have been large enough and/or safe enough. Thank goodness to our General Sponsors who made that possible!
Jump Classes, Sponsors and competitors: Saturday, June 29th Northern Arena
Our only Jump class sponsor was Mary Baltz Curran and Hendrix, Thank you!
#57 Pony 16″ Crossrails: 1st place: Ojvind, shown by Leslie Bebensce, 2nd place: Kokovoko Xenon, shown by Abby LaBear
#59 Horse/Pony 2′ (50cm) Class: 1st place: Kokovoko Xman, shown by Lillian Ball, 2nd place: Gudrat, owned by James Boudreau and shown by Gabby Goldenbogen
#60 Horse 2’3″ (70 cm) Class: 1st place: Adamek, owned by ATF and shown by Sabine Desper
#61 Horse 2’7″ (80 cm) Class: 1st place: Hendrick, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel, 2nd place Gudrat, owned by James Boudreau and shown by Gabby Goldenbogen
Saturday afternoon, we took down the jumps and poles and started putting up the dressage arena. We ended up with an unlikely ally, the course designer (I believe) for the huge Arabian show that was to start right after us, helped us put up the dressage arena correctly, as they would be using it later. We did say no thank you to all the extra flowers he offered us for the dressage ring. It was thought some of the greener horses might object.
Dressage, Sunday June 30th, Northern Arenas
Our only Dressage class Sponsor was Kathryn Thode and Kazimir, THANK YOU.
#64, Intro A, 1st place: Halla, owned and ridden by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons.
#65, Intro B, 1st place: Indyka, owned by Sabine Desper and shown by Ethan Wandless
#66, Intro C, 1st place: Indyka, owned by Sabine Desper and shown by Ethan Wandless
#67, Training test 1: 1st place: Sagit MID, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel
#68, Training test 2: 1st place: Silverhill Kostyor, owned and ridden by Aurora DeLuca
#70, 1st level test 1: 1st place: Silverhill Kostyor, owned and ridden by Aurora DeLuca, 2nd place: Sagit MID, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel
#74, 3rd level, TOC: 1st place: Adamek, owned by ATF and shown by Sabine Desper
#76, FEI TOC: 1st place: Gerald, owned by AVF and shown by Katrina Ardiel
#77 Horse Western Dressage TOC: 1st place: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons
#82 Pony Western Dressage TOC: 1st place: Kokovoko Xman, shown by Lillian Ball
Other open SANA classes: Saturday, Reel Arena
#50 – In Hand Obstacles: 1st place: Dreamhayven Avalong Mist, shown by Sierra Young, 2nd place: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 3rd place: Silverhill Kostyor, owned and shown by Aurora DeLuca, 4th place: Arlie, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 5th place: Indyka, owned by Sabine Desper and shown by Ethan Wandless, 6th place: Menagerie Roya, shown by Diana Khabiri. Other competitors: Drybarrows Advocate, shown by Megan Earles, Brita, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, Kokovoko Xenon, shown by Abby or Lisa LaBear, BBR Lil Pistol Annie, shown by Patricia Fields, CK Nasir Kahbir, shown by Diana Khabiri, JM Wildfire, shown by Kailah Tollman-McGrath, Bellavista Chancellor, shown by Sarah Kirk, Ocean Pearl, shown by Grace Sorey, Realta Fireabaill, shown by Halley Buckanoff, HDF Lunar Dream shown by Anna Vidal and HDF Crystalline Dream, shown by Autumn Cook.
#51 – Ridden Obstacles: 1st Place: Halla, owned and shown by Morrigan Reilly-Ansons, 2nd place: Bellevista Chancellor, shown by Sarah Kirk, 3rd place: Ojvind, shown by Leslie Bebensee, 4th place: Halo on the Moon, shown by Bobbie Patterson, 5th place: Menagerie Roya, shown by Diana Khabiri. Also competing: Kokovoko Xenon, shown by Abby LeBear, Kokovoko Xman, shown by Lillian Ball, TFs Golden Peanut, shown by Darren Patterson, Silverhill Kostyor, shown by Auror DeLuca, Bellechasse Kojac Tivoly, shown by Malena Laylin, Mainguy Bismark Galopin, shown by Malena Laylin and Reatla Fireabaill shown by Halley Buckanoff.
#53 Historical Costume: 1st place: Mountain Pleasure aka Old Kentucky Saddler group of six portraying Eastern Kentucky in 1925: Frontier Nurse, traveling Doctor, school teacher, student, rural postal carrier, farmer. 2nd Akhal-Teke (as a Group), 3rd Firouz-Caspians (as a Group), 4th Puerto Rican Paso Fino, 5th Dales Pony, 6th Corolla Banker, 7th Gotland Pony

After Sunday’s Dressage Classes, it was clean up time, getting ribbons to anyone we’d missed and one last night of fun and frolic. Some left that evening and got home the next day, some of us left Monday and some’s planes were cancelled and had to stay with Teke friends another day or so.
It was a great time, we’ll see if it happens again.