No room in the Inn!

We are full here, no stalls left!

This week we’ve had Seika (Alyeska – Astrachan x Anastasia), owned by Julie Manuele, come with her 2015 Salam filly Etesian (Tess), for ‘playdates’.  Seika and Tess are by themselves at their home, so Julie wants Tess to get some socialization before she heads to her new home with Joel Mertes.  So far, we had Aya and Slari and their fillies out in the back grass paddock with Seika and Tess in front.  Some squealing, lots of interested looks between fillies.


The next day, Seika and Tess were in the front again, with Slari and Alamet put in with them.  Aya and Ahmi were out in the back, as I do things slowly.  Once again, some squealing and posturing, but nothing bad.  The mares and fillies gradually got closer together during the day, with many looks from Alamet and Tess (and poor Ahmi, wondering why she was left out!) at each other.

20151113_100821Today, Slari and Seika and fillies will go out in the same field again, with Aya and Ahmi behind them.  They did spend some time last night calling for each other after we separated them, so I think the bonding process is going well.  Once Seika, Slari (who are full sisters, by the way) and their fillies become friends, we’ll turn Aya and Ahmi out into the mix.  Within the next month, this will lead to weaning fillies, Ahmi first, as she’s the oldest and then Tess and Alamet.  It would be easier if I had bigger fields (and better weather, lol), but you work with what you have.  Below, Tess and Seika on their first day next to the other 4 horses.

We also have a friend’s horse here for a few weeks for boarding and eye meds while she’s out of the country.  Horsie Tetris, begin!

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